Jotter Updates

Jotter Updates

0.0.27 (05/04/2022) Search

  • Implemented search!

0.0.26 (4/27/2022) Settings page, bugfixes

  • Made a settings page where you can see how much % of your space you’ve used.
  • Fixed a cross-tab sync bug.
  • If you connected your notion, you can now select where to export by default

0.0.25 (4/15/2022) Enabled Markdown

  • Some people had asked about Markdown. I made it so that the editor can take markdown, and previews the note with markdown formatting.
  • Export to Notion also tries to preserve Markdown formatting.
  • Also, change default shortcut of quote-copy to Control-Shift-C, because the old default was messing up people’s experience using formatted copy in Google Docs.

0.0.24 (4/13/2022) Various bugfixes

  • Sorry for the time between changes - I’ve been occupied with other things.
  • I fixed a bug with drag-to-resize
  • The title also no longer truncates to end with a “...”

0.0.23 (4/1/2022) Drag to resize

  • Instead of a “+” maximization button, you can now drag-to-resize the scratchpad:
  • image

0.0.21 (3/22/2022) Drag-moving works on more sites

  • I noticed that drag-to-move wasn’t working on modern sites (like facebook, reddit, pdfs). That’s been updated.

0.0.20 (3/15/2022) Visual changes and it’s movable

  • Changed design to have more whitespace in the ui.
  • It’s now drag-movable.

0.0.14 (3/7/2022). Integrated Notion export

  • You can now export to Notion! There’s an option to integrate with notion in the “Export” menu, you need to select a Notion doc to export your files under, and then you can export.
Demo of Notion Export

0.0.13 (3/4/2022). Added Export options, integrated with Google Drive

  • There’s now a option for exporting your notes.
    • You can copy your whole note (title, content, and references) to clipboard, or
    • You can connect your google docs and export your note to GDoc!
    • ‣
      Demo of Google Docs Export
  • Also, you can search your google drive from Jotter! I don’t like how slow drive takes to load on my thing, so I added a search option.
  • ‣
    Demo of Google Drive Search
  • Sorry, I’m pretty excited about this change. Working on connecting and export-to-Notion next.

0.0.12 (2/24/2022). Mostly visual changes.

  • Made icons, elements align (sorry, about the sloppiness), and general visuals/icons.
  • Messaging after you save a note
  • The notepad size would change when you switched to different modes. Tried to make it uniform.